Sunday, 20 March 2011

''You can never have control'' admits fracking firm Cuadrilla

Mark Miller, Cuadrilla chief executive, has said on the one hand that:

"solid rock between [the aquifer at Preese Hall Farm, Weeton, Blackpool] and where the fracking takes place would prevent the water mix contaminating the aquifer"
-whilst admitting on the other that:
"You never have control. Fractures will always go into the path of least resistance."

The fracture lines run, following the path of least resistence until they run out of energy or until they meet resistance at the position of the various fault lines which run in N-S directions across Fylde. The fault lines then slip, causing the earthquakes. Path of least resistence in shale, a layered sedimentary rock, follow the lines of the layers that created it in the first place. A fault line acts as a natural geological end point for these sedimentary layers.

It's simply not true that the water injected into the shale won't permeate back up through the drift into the aquifer, with some of the methane and other gases that were released but not collected by the frackers.

Join the call for a moratorium on fracking the Fylde!

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