Monday 21 March 2011

Fracking the Fylde began 21st March 2011

Fracking began on the Fylde on 21st March 2011.

Cuadrilla have apparently already drilled their borehole straight through the Fylde Aquifer. Cuadrilla's presence runs the risk of contaminating this very important aquifer.

The concrete casing around the drill is definitely not fitted with an acoustic monitoring system that would detect cracks caused by judders following the frack-caused earthquakes.

Even if the concrete casing that runs through the sandstone aquifer were fitted with acoustic monitoring, the drift is still being loaded with millions of gallons of fluid, which will find their way, most likely via the myriad of fault lines that exist in Fylde and Wyre into the sand/gravel lenses which feed into the aquifer.

Methane and other gases released after fracturing the shale trap that has not been collected by the frackers will still permeate to the surface willy-nilly, and the saturated drift will speed that process.

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